Sunday, 29 May 2016

Ticket to Ride

The picture above was taken at Kameoka station. I really like riding on trains, it is my favorite way to travel, do you enjoy travelling by train?  Take a look at the advertisement below for Virgin trains in Britain and answer the questions.

  1. What is your impression of Virgin trains?
  2. Did you enjoy the advertisement?
  3. What do you know about British trains?
  4. Would you like to travel on British trains?
  5. Do you think two hours from London to Manchester is fast?
Before class think of a journey you have made in the past, it could be by train, plane or any other kind of transportation. Prepare to tell the class about it.


Saturday, 21 May 2016

British Homes

Please watch the video before class and answer the questions.

  1. What was most surprising for you?
  2. What  was most interesting for you?
  3. Do you think this house would be comfortable to live in?
  4. What would you change in this house?
  5. Think of three questions to ask about British houses.

Before class write a description of your house. Write about: it's style or design; any traditional features; any unusual features and why you like it.

私の生徒さんのためにそのブログを作りました。いろいろな場所でグループディスカッションの英語のレッスンを教えています。もし京都で新しいグループを作りたかったら、連絡してください。John Rowan 

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Ten Places to Visit in Birmingham

Take a look at this video of places to visit in Birmingham

  1. Choose two places you would like to visit from the video?
  2. Why did you choose these two?
  3. Think of three questions to ask about your first choice.
  4. Think of three questions to ask about your second choice.

Before class think of a Japanese city (not Kyoto) and think of five good places to visit in that city. Be prepared to tell the class about these places and answer other student's questions.

私の生徒さんのためにそのブログを作りました。いろいろな場所でグループディスカッションの英語のレッスンを教えています。もし京都で新しいグループを作りたかったら、連絡してください。John Rowan 

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Video Yourself

Please watch the video and answer the questions.

  1. How did you feel about the video?
  2. Did you agree with Yuka about the five things you should not do in a Japanese restaurant?
  3. What other advice would you give?
  4. Was her English perfect and is that important?
  5. Have you ever videoed yourself or recorded yourself in English?
Before class think of something you would like to tell overseas visitors about Japanese customs or society. Prepare a short talk to give to the other students.

私の生徒さんのためにそのブログを作りました。いろいろな場所でグループディスカッションの英語のレッスンを教えています。もし京都で新しいグループを作りたかったら、連絡してください。John Rowan