Saturday, 16 December 2017


This weeks class will be a quiz, so please try to answer these practice questions.

1.  Which country does the food, "English Muffin" come from?
  • America
  • England
  • Scotland
  • The Isle of Man
2.  Which English port did the Titanic try to sail to America from?
  • Liverpool
  • Portsmouth
  • Belfast
  • Southampton
3. What is princess Diana's youngest son's given name?
  • Charles
  • Harry
  • William
  • Windsor
4. Rice is the staple food of Japan and potatoes are the staple food of the UK, so what is the staple food of Italy?
  • Lasagna
  • Spaghetti
  • Pasta
  • Tomatoes
5. Which of the Kyoto wards below has John NOT lived in?
  • Yamashina-ku
  • Kita-ku
  • Kameoka
  • Shimogyo-ku
Now please choose a Japanese city (not Kyoto, Osaka or Tokyo) and write three questions about that city. For each question write one correct answer and three in-correct answers.

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Question Pactice

To have good communication in English with an English native speaker it is important to ask questions.  But the questions should be clear, easy to understand and short. So in this week's class we are going to practice asking natural questions. Below is a list of questions. Choose three and change the red words to make a new question. In class please ask me these new questions.

  1. Have you been to Tokyo?
  2. Have you ever climbed Mt Everest?
  3. Why did you come to Japan?
  4. How do British people feel about Europe?
  5. What do you think about global warming
  6. How is the climate in the UK? 
  7. Is playing baseball popular in England? 
  8. For you, which is more important studying Japanese or teaching English
  9. How is living in Kyoto different from living in Osaka
  10. For most British people, what is their opinion of the British royal family?
  11. For you, what is your opinion about Britain leaving the EU?

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Kirin Beer

I think Kirin make a variety of great beers. I often drink Heartland, which is tasty and easy is drink.  In the Autumn I drank Kirin's akiagi, which is one of my favourite beers, but I have to wait to next Autumn to drink it again. But recently, I found two new beers made by Kirin. The first is GRAND KIRIN IPA, IPA is short for Indian Pale Ale. Many breweries around the world make IPAs, but they were developed in England around 1840 to be exported to India for British citizens living there. IPA is a very easy to drink beer with a hoppy taste. I think Kirin's version is fantastic, it is both full of flavor and refreshing. The next new Kirin beer for me is GRAND KIRIN JPL, Japan Pale Lager. This was a completely new beer for me and a wonderful surprise. This is a lager beer with a hoppy taste, a great combination and I highly recommend it. I think Kirin is both an innovative and leading Japanese brewery.

  1. Variety = いろいろ
  2. Brewery = 醸造所
  3. Export = 輸出
  4. Hoppy = ホップの味 (形容詞)
  5. Innovative = 革新的
Before class think of some questions to ask me about the article about Kirin beer above. Then think of a brand that you like. It can be any kind of brand, but you must like that brand, then prepare a two minute talk about that brand to give to the class.

Some brand ideas
  • Clothes
  • Bags
  • Cameras
  • Computers
  • Foods
  • Drinks
  • Instruments

Saturday, 25 November 2017

I had the opportunity to...

I have visited Nara Park many times and have had the chance to feed the deer with shika-senbei on some occasions. But once I had the opportunity to feed them with vegetables. I was walking behind Todaji temple, when a small truck full of vegetables arrived. The vegetables were for the deer and suddenly from every direction deer came running to the truck. The truck driver called me and gave me a lot of vegetables to feed the deer.  It was a really fun and unexpected opportunity.

Before class think of some questions to ask me about the above story.

Please write a two minute talk for the class. The talk should start with one of these lines:
  1. When I went to ____________, I had the chance to__________...
  2. When I went to_____________, I had the opportunity to________...
Generally, chance is not so big or important as opportunity.

Saturday, 18 November 2017


Please watch the video below and answer the questions.

  1. Did you enjoy the video? Why or why not?
  2. Which image did you like best?
  3. Does the video represent Japan well? Why or why not?
  4. Would you add something to the video?
Imagine that you are going to make a short video about Japan. Please think of five things that you would like to introduce to foreign visitors to Japan. Prepare a two minute talk about your ideas for the class.

Saturday, 11 November 2017


Before class please think about your answers to 
the questionnaire (アンケート) below.

1: Would you agree that Kyoto station is beautiful building?

Strongly agree 
Strongly disagree

2: Would you say that Kyoto station suits Kyoto?

Strongly agree 
Strongly disagree

3:  Would you agree that Kyoto station is convenient to use?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

4:  Would you say that access to Kyoto subway is easy from Kyoto station?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

5:  Would you agree that Kyoto station has a great variety of restaurants?

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Now create your own five question questionnaire. It can be about any subject, but something that your classmates will know about and have an opinion about.  Use the question forms would you agree... and would you say... .

Saturday, 4 November 2017

British Things

Riley Elf

Choose one of the pictures here and try to find some information about it on the internet. Then prepare to tell the class about it. Also bring a picture to class of something Japanese, prepare to tell the class about it too.

Cadbury Cream Egg

Iron Man, Birmingham
Wadworth 6X

Lake sider bus, the Lake District

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Favorite Places

This week choose one of the themes below and prepare a three minute talk. You cannot use Kyoto as the theme of your talk.

  1. Choose one of your favorite cities in Japan and describe it for us. Tell us about any famous places there. Compare it to Kyoto. Then tell us if you think it would be easy or difficult to live there and give your reasons.
  2. Tell us about a prefecture you like in Japan. Give us your reasons for liking it. Where in Japan is it? What special features does the prefecture have? Would you recommend it for sightseeing? Why or why not?
  3. Outside of Kyoto prefecture, where is a great place to see the Autumn leaves? Why is this place good? What special features does it have. What special Autumn food does it have? Compare Kyoto's Autumn with it's Autumn.
 In this weeks class there is going to be a team competition. If your talk is over three minutes your team will get three points, if it is over two minutes your team will get two points, but if it is less than a minute your team will loose two points.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Top three

Before class watch the video below and think of some questions to ask me about it.

Before class prepare a top three presentation, choose one from the list below.

  1. My top three cities.
  2. My top three restaurants.
  3. My top three books.
  4. My top three movies. 
  5. My top three sightseeing spots.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Healthy Living

This weeks theme is healthy living, so prepare a short presentation for the class, choose from one of the titles below.  

  • A good way to release stress.
  • My exercise routine.
  • A recipe for a nutritious autumn dish.  
  •  The secret to healthy living.
 Also, read the essay below about stress and prepare some questions to ask in class.

 Many people think stress is dangerous, but this is a dangerous way of thinking. Kelly McGonigal is a stress management expert.  Recently I watched her TEDtalk. Recently there has been a lot of research about stress. If a person thinks that stress is dangerous, their chances of dying rise by thirty percent . If you have a lot of stress, but your thinking is that stress is not dangerous, your chances of death are the same as a person with no stress. If you believe stress is dangerous, during a stressful time your blood vessels contract, this is not healthy.  But if you think that stressful times are exhilarating, your blood vessels dilate, this is a healthy situation. Above this, at that time the stress hormone oxytocin is released. This hormone has the nickname "the hugging hormone", so you become very sociable. During a stressful time, if you ask help from others, your stress will decrease.  Therefore, when it comes to stress, our way of thinking is very important.


Saturday, 30 September 2017

Desert Island

If you went to live on a desert island, what would you take with you?  Since 1942 the BBC radio program, Desert Island Disks has been asking this question. Every week one guest has to think about this question, but there are some rules, the guest has to imagine taking eight songs, one book and one luxury item.  Before this weeks lesson think hard about this.  For the lesson choose three songs, one book and one luxury item, then in class please tell us about your choices.

もし無人島に行って、住んだら、何を持って行きますか? 1942年からBBCのラジオ番組「Desert Island Disks」はその質問を尋ねています。毎週一人のお客様はその事を考えなければなりません。でもルールがあります。8曲、1冊本と1つ高級品だけ持って行く事を想像します。今週のレッスンの前その事をよく考えてください。レッスンのために、3曲、1冊本と1つ高級品を選んでください。レッスンで自分の選んだ物を教えてください。

Friday, 22 September 2017

Be happy

Before class check the vocab below and watch the video. Then think of three questions to ask me about the video. After that choose one day from this week, think about three happy things from that day, then prepare to tell the class about those things. They don't have to be big things, small happy events are fine.

  • Happiness            幸福
  • Psychologist    心理学者
  • Brain        脳
  • Discover      発見
  • Practice      練習
  • Write down          書き留める


Saturday, 16 September 2017

Nuclear weapons

Please check the word list below and the watch the video.

  • Against                   反対している
  • Nuclear weapons       核兵器
  • Opposite                                反対
  • Abolish             廃止する
  • Dictatorship          独裁
  • Horrendous          恐ろしい
 Think of some questions to ask me about my opinions.

Choose a title from below and prepare a two minute talk.

  • The situation in North Korea.
  • Japan's relationship with North Korea.
  • Japan's relationship with the United States of America.
  • Japan's relationship with South Korea.
  • Kim Jong Un.
  • Donald Trump. 


Thursday, 7 September 2017

Listening for new vocabulary

Do you know the English word, polyglot? It means a person who can speak many languages. If you study a foreign language, learning vocabulary is very important, but the words are difficult to remember. If you can say the new words, most people believe you know the words. But Polyglot's way of thinking is, if you can understand the word when you hear it, you have memorized the word. In my opinion, this way of thinking is a wonderful and natural thing. From about one years old, a baby can say a few words, but when they are listening they know the meaning of many words. After hearing a word many times, a baby will suddenly say the word. Therefore, in my opinion, if you want to memorize new words, you should often listen to those words.

  1. What is your opinion?
  2. How do you memorize new words
 Please watch the video below and answer the questions.

  1. What does the word ubiquitous mean?
  2. How is an inn different to a pub?
  3. What is pub short for?
  4. How is the food in British pubs now?
  5. What does gastro pub mean?
  6. What does the word supposedly mean?
  7. What does the word gastroenteritis mean?
Before class make a two-minute talk, it can be about anything, but you must use three new English words that you found in a dictionary in it.


Saturday, 2 September 2017

A Good Read

 For a long time, I have been reading the American author, Stephen King’s novels. Many of his novels are turned into films. But with the exception of “The Green Mile” and “Shawshank Redemption”, they are usually not very good. Recently his novel “IT” has been turned into a film. About twenty-five years ago I read the book, it is a wonderful tale. I have absolutely no interest in the film version, but I have bought the book again and I am reading it. Stephen King is an amazing author . If there is a Japanese version, please read IT.

Before class think of some questions to ask me about the novel, IT  and the author, Stephen King. Then prepare a two-minute talk about a book you like or an author that you think is brilliant .

長い間僕はアメリカの作家「STEPHEN KING」の小説を読んでいる。たくさんの彼の本は映画になった。「Shawshank Redemption」と「The Green Mile」以外、たいてい映画のバージョンはあまり良くない。最近、彼の小説「It」は映画になった。25年ぐらい前その本を読んだ。本当に素晴らしい物語。映画のバージョンは全然興味がないが、も一度その小説を買って読んでいる。「STEPHEN KING」は本当に素晴らしい作家。もし日本語バージョンがあったら、読んでください。

Saturday, 26 August 2017

Summer Holiday

How was your Summer holiday? Mine was great.

Recently, for the first time in a long time, I went to Kobe. It is a wonderful city. I went to the Kobe Maritime Museum, where I saw a lot of beautiful model ships. There was a giant model of the British Royal Navy ship, the Rodney. When Kobe first opened to foreign ships, this ship lead British, French and American ships into Kobe harbour. 

 This wonderful maritime museum was built by the Kawasaki Corporation. So in the same building, there is also Kawasaki's museum.  There I saw many things: for example motor bikes, a bullet train and a helicopter. For me, the motor bikes were the most interesting. I have owned three Honda bikes, but when he was younger my older brother owned a Kawasaki KH250. It was the 1970s, so Kawasaki bikes were new and cool things in the UK.  At that time my brother had two bikes, a Kawasaki 250 and a BSA 250. Comparing the Kawasaki to the BSA, the Kawasaki was very futuristic.

After the Maritime Museum, for the first time in seventeen years, I rode the Kobe Harbour sightseeing boat. Seventeen years ago I rode it with my brother. My brother used to be a sailor, so he had an interest in Kobe Harbour. We saw many things: for example the Kobe skyline, a variety of ships and submarines. This time too, I could see the same things, but there were some changes. The biggest change was that Kobe Airport had been built.

In the evening I went to 
Cave, a Beatles themed bar in Kobe. I heard lots of great live music there. While I was listening to the Beatles music, I remembered something about my brother. When I was a child, at a time when my brother came home from sea, he gave me two presents. A cassette player and a cassette of the Beatles album "Let it be". That was my first Beatles album.  My trip to Kobe was very fun and above that, I could remember a lot of good things about my brother. 

Before class think of some questions to ask me about my trip to Kobe. Also prepare a short talk about you summer holiday, to tell to the class.


 最近、久しぶりに神戸に行った。その町は素晴らしい。神戸海洋博物館に行って、たくさん美しい船のモデルを見た。英海軍の「HMS RODNEY」の巨大なモデルがある。神戸が外国貿易を始めた時、その船は他のイギリスの船、フランスの船とアメリカの船を神戸の港に先頭をした。その素 晴らしい博物館は川崎株式会社によって作られた物なので、同じ建物で川崎株式会社の博物館もある。そこではいろいろな物を見られる。例えば、バイク、新幹線とかヘリコプター。僕の場合、バイクは一番興味がある。三台の本田バイクを持っていたが、若い時お兄さんは川崎「KH250」を持っていた。1970年代なので、イギリスでは川崎のバイクは新しくてかっこいい物だった。その時、お兄さんは二台のバイクを持っていた、「KAWASAKI 250」と「BSA 250」。「BSA」と比べて、その「KAWASAKI」は本当に未来型だった。博物館の後、17年ぶりに神戸港の観光船に乗った。17年前お兄さんと一緒にその観光船に乗った。彼は元船員だったので、彼は神戸港に興味があった。いろいろないい物をみた。例えば、神戸のスカイライン、いろいろな船とか潜水艦。この時も同じ物を見たが、さまざまな変更があった。一番大きな変更は神戸空港を作りました。夕方神戸のビートルズ専門の店、CAVEに行った。その店でたくさん素晴らしいライブ音楽を聞いた。ビートルズの音楽を聞きながら、お兄さんの事を思い出した。子供の頃、彼が海から帰って来た時、彼は私に二つのプレゼントをくれた。カセット・プレーヤーとビートルズ の「Let it be」のカセット。それは僕の最初のビートルズのアルバム。神戸の旅行は本当に楽しかった。その上、たくさんのお兄さんのいい事を思い出した。

Saturday, 5 August 2017


This weeks lesson is going to be a quiz. Before class choose one of the subjects below and make five quiz questions for it. The first question should be easy, but the other questions should gradually get more difficult.

  • Kyoto's history
  • Music
  • Art
  • Cuisine
  • Japan's geography
  • Science
  • Buddhism
  • Shintoism
  • Kyoto University
  • Japanese mythology

Friday, 28 July 2017

Saint Paul's Church

Before class please read  below and prepare some questions
to ask me.

I am not a Christian, but I like the architecture and atmosphere, so when I lived in Britain I often went to churches. From 1979 to 1988 I worked in Saint Paul's Square in Birmingham. In the middle of the square was Saint Paul's church. Both the church and the square are beautiful, but moreover historically significant places. During the industrial revolution, Birmingham became Britain's most important industrial city. Saint Paul's church was the church for the first manufacturers and merchants in Birmingham. James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine and Matthew Bolton, the maker of the first modern factory had personal pews there. Compared to other European countries, at that time, Britain had relative religious freedom. Therefore scientists were not hindered by the Christian church. But in London there were many strong guilds, but at that time there were no guilds in Birmingham, therefore development was easy. Because of this Birmingham was the most influential city during the industrial revolution and maybe Saint Paul's church was the industrial revolutions spiritual home.

Before class prepare a talk about a historically significant building in Japan. 

僕はキリスト人じゃないけど、建築と雰囲気が好きなので、イギリスに住んでいた時教会によく行った。1979年から1988年までバーミンガムのSaint Paul's Squareで働いた。その広場の中でSaint Paul's教会がある。教会と広場は美しい、その上歴史的に重要な場所。バーミンガムは産業革命の時代の中でイギリスの一番大切な産業の町になった。Saint Paul's教会はバーミンガムの最初の製造者と商人の教会だった。スチームエンジンの発明者、James Wattと世界で一番最初のモダンな工場を作った人、Matthew Boltonはその教会で自分の席を持っていた。他のヨーロッパの国と比べて、その時イギリスは相対的な宗教的自由を持っていたので、科学者はキリスト教からあまり妨害されなかった。でもロンドンでは強い商業組合が多かったが、その時バーミンガムでは商業組合がなかったので、開発は簡単だった。だから、バーミンガムは産業革命の一番影響力のある町だった。たぶんSaint Paul's教会は産業革命の心の家。
John Rowan 2017


Thursday, 20 July 2017


An anecdote is a short interesting story from the past. Often about the speakers past. In this lesson we are going to practice anecdotes.

First read my anecdote below and prepare some questions to ask me about it.

In my childhood the school holidays were six weeks long. Every year, for one week, I would go to a seaside town with my family. It was always fun. For the other five weeks I was almost always free. There was very little school homework, therefore usually I did fun things with my friends. For example: riding my bike, going to the swimming pool and playing cricket. England's summer is cooler than Japan's, therefore for English people, summer is the best season. The weather was good and I was very free, so my childhood summer holidays were extremely fun. 

Now please write two anecdotes. They can be about anything in your past. They should be between 80-120 words long.
