Saturday, 7 November 2015

British English is the real English...かな!?

Which is the real English, British or American? Or is it a different English? In this class we will be talking about English and what English is best for you to study. But before the class please watch the video linked below and answer these questions.
  1. What was your first impression of the video?
  2. Was the video easy to understand?
  3. Did the video surprise you?
  4. What was the teacher's advice?
  5. Do you think pronunciation is important?  Why or why not?
  6. Do you think spelling is important?  Why or why not?
  7. Did you know there are more non-native speakers of English than native speakers? How does this make you feel?
  8. What are your opinions of Japanese English.

American English or British English

John Rowan

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