Monday 25 April 2016

Golden Week

  1. What are your plans for Golden Week?
  2. Is early May a good time for a holiday?
  3. If Golden Week was in a different month, which month would you choose?
  4. What is a good activity in Golden Week?
  5. Does Golden Week have any disadvantages?
Imagine you can spend Golden week anywhere in the world. Before class think about where you would go, what you would do, what would you eat and who would you go with. Prepare to tell the class about it. Also think of some questions to ask your classmates about where they want to go.

私の生徒さんのためにそのブログを作りました。いろいろな場所でグループディスカッションの英語のレッスンを教えています。もし京都で新しいグループを作りたかったら、連絡してください。John Rowan 

Sunday 17 April 2016

Can you cook?

 Gordon Ramsay, a famous British chef, teaches five basic cooking skills.

  1. How many of these skills do you have and which ones?
  2. How did you feel about the way he cooked the rice?
  3. Did anything surprise you?
  4. Did the video make want to cook something?
  5. What is a basic skill in Japanese cooking?
Before class think of something you can cook or make and write a plan to teach it to the class. Everyone will take turns teaching the class how to cook or make something.  It is a good idea to bring pictures or diagrams to help you teach.

私の生徒さんのためにそのブログを作りました。いろいろな場所でグループディスカッションの英語のレッスンを教えています。もし京都で新しいグループを作りたかったら、連絡してください。John Rowan  

Monday 11 April 2016

Two Girls in Bali

The Cherry blossom is truly beautiful in Kyoto. It attracts people for all over Japan and all over the world. In late March and early April  the city is full of people enjoying this great city. Economically it is great for the city, but are there any environmental problems? Think about this before class.

One of the most beautiful places I have visited in the world is Bali. But Bali has an environmental problem. Follow the link below to see how two young girls are trying to fight the problem.

Two girls from Bali    日本語の字幕(Subtitles)があります。

  1. Did you enjoy this video?  Why or why not?
  2. What did you think of the two girls?
  3. Why were they successful?
  4. Why do you think they were so motivated?
  5. How much help do you think they got?
Before class think of an environmental or social issue in Japan and prepare to tell the class about it.

私の生徒さんのためにそのブログを作りました。いろいろな場所でグループディスカッションの英語のレッスンを教えています。もし京都で新しいグループを作りたかったら、連絡してください。John Rowan

Saturday 2 April 2016

Short stories

In this weeks lesson we are going to talk about two videos made by the same man.  The first is called seconds.

  • Did you enjoy this video? Why or why not?
  • What was this video’s message?
  • How did the video make you feel?
  • How many times did you watch it?
The second video is called Where were you in 92?

  • Did you enjoy this video? Why or why not?
  • What was this video’s message? 
  • How did the video make you feel?
  • How many times did you watch it? 

  • In last weeks lesson I asked everyone to tell some stories about photographs. This week please write a short fictional story. If you would like to use a picture to help, that is fine. If you would like to write a poem instead, that is fine too. I have used last weeks fake maiko picture to write the Japanese story below.



     私の生徒さんのためにそのブログを作りました。いろいろな場所でグループディスカッションの英語のレッスンを教えています。もし京都で新しいグループを作りたかったら、連絡してください。John Rowan