Saturday 21 May 2016

British Homes

Please watch the video before class and answer the questions.

  1. What was most surprising for you?
  2. What  was most interesting for you?
  3. Do you think this house would be comfortable to live in?
  4. What would you change in this house?
  5. Think of three questions to ask about British houses.

Before class write a description of your house. Write about: it's style or design; any traditional features; any unusual features and why you like it.

私の生徒さんのためにそのブログを作りました。いろいろな場所でグループディスカッションの英語のレッスンを教えています。もし京都で新しいグループを作りたかったら、連絡してください。John Rowan 

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